Behind the Bottom Line Podcast: Greg Bland is the Man with the Landscape Architecture Plan

By Dawson Fercho

In a recent episode of Randy Wilburn’s critically acclaimed podcast, “Encourage Build Grow,” listeners were treated to a riveting discussion with Greg Bland, a registered landscape architect. The podcast aims to foster personal development while focusing on leadership and communication, and this episode was no exception. Host Randy Wilburn delved deep into various facets of the design industry, workforce preparedness, and the evolution of the landscape architecture profession.

Who is Greg Bland?

Greg Bland is passionate about the rolling hills and scenic vistas of Northwest Arkansas. A graduate from the University of Arkansas in landscape architecture, Greg also has experience working in Nashville. But his work goes beyond merely picking out plants. He describes landscape architecture as a multi-disciplinary field that encompasses drainage, lighting, grading, and several other design aspects.

The Art of Managing Expectations

One of the intriguing points Greg emphasized was the importance of educating clients about what landscape architects actually do. This education is vital for managing client expectations, a task easier said than done. Reflecting on his career, Greg discussed the gap between expectation and reality when entering the industry, pinpointing the need for relationship building and continuous learning.

The Education-Workforce Gap

The episode did not shy away from critiquing the education system, highlighting that academic training often falls short in preparing professionals for the real world. Greg stressed the importance of internships under experienced professionals and wished he had taken additional business courses before stepping into the workforce. This brought into focus the lack of preparation in areas like project management and client interactions, challenges that plague many design professionals.

The Importance of Communication and Leadership

Soft skills like communication and leadership, Greg pointed out, are not optional but essential for success. He underscored the need to inform clients about potential costs upfront and to build strong, lasting relationships with them.

Embracing Technology and Outsourcing

While technology can be a double-edged sword, especially for solo entrepreneurs juggling multiple software tools, Greg sees it as an opportunity rather than a threat. He also touched upon the advantages of outsourcing tasks to skilled professionals and utilizing platforms like Upwork to connect with clients. These tools help manage the overwhelming demands that come with the profession.

Local Investment and Giving Back

Greg is a big believer in community involvement and professional growth. He mentioned his intention to offer online training through his business,, with a focus on giving back to the profession. He sees the field of landscape architecture as one that requires human expertise and doesn’t envision it being replaced by technology anytime soon.

Streamlining Operations

One way Greg has managed to balance the business and creative aspects of his work is by streamlining his processes. Utilizing software like Process Street, he has managed to standardize the non-creative aspects of his work, freeing up valuable time for innovative designs.

Final Thoughts

The episode wrapped up with some recommendations from Greg for young architects and professionals. He encourages young people to consider careers in STEM fields due to the increasing demand for skilled professionals. The last book that significantly impacted him was Bill Bryson’s “A Walk in the Woods,” a fitting read for a landscape architect.

Greg Bland has been making waves in the landscape architecture scene, especially in Northwest Arkansas. For more information or mentorship, Greg is reachable via email and also offers resources through his business,


And while on the topic of impactful media, both Randy and Greg shared an appreciation for films with powerful storytelling. Though unrelated to landscape architecture, they touched briefly on the last movie Kevin Spacey was in before his career downfall, noting its remarkable soundtrack and intense ending.


Randy Wilburn’s podcast episode featuring Greg Bland is a masterclass in leadership, communication, and the often-overlooked details of the landscape architecture profession. The episode serves as an invaluable resource for aspiring professionals and veterans alike, offering insights that extend far beyond the design studio.

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