Behind the Bottom Line Podcast: Bryon McCartney Takes Us To School and Shows Us How To Leverage LinkedIn

By Dawson Fercho

After a considerable hiatus, Randy Wilburn is back to engage, enlighten, and educate through a new episode of his much-anticipated podcast, Encourage Build Grow. Shifting gears to concentrate on podcasting strategy for design firms, Randy is redefining his career landscape. With a recent appearance at a high-profile event featuring over 100 architects, Randy is certainly staying active in the industry. In his latest episode, he converses with Brian McCartney from Archmark, dissecting essential topics like LinkedIn, marketing, and branding for design professionals.

Assessing Brand and Message

The ongoing pandemic has prompted design firms to scrutinize their brand and messaging. Randy and Brian emphasize the importance of clearly defining one’s purpose, promise, and position in the market. Firms should introspect how they present themselves, embracing a client’s perspective for a rounded evaluation. The aim is to help clients heighten their visibility, build authority, and nurture productive business relationships, given that relationships are pivotal for enduring success.

Building Business Relationships

The podcast sheds light on the “five R’s” formula for cultivating business relationships—Recognition, Relevance, Reputation, Relationship, and Response. Both hosts stress the significance of remaining visible, sharing pertinent content, leveraging existing relationships, and following up with professional contacts. Furthermore, Randy and Brian argue that persistence is key; a ‘no’ today might become a ‘yes’ tomorrow if the relationship is nurtured properly. Moreover, being genuinely helpful can go a long way in cementing fruitful business ties.

Improving Websites for Design Firms

Website optimization is an often-overlooked aspect of branding. Archmark’s analyses show a staggering 95% of design firm websites failing based on Google’s criteria. Here, the podcast insists on incremental changes that can bring about monumental improvements. As Brian puts it, it’s all about “reshaping the thought process and shifting priorities.”

Importance of Effective Communication and Networking

COVID-19 has underlined the necessity for seamless communication and an optimized online presence. Randy and Brian encourage firms to seize this opportunity to enhance their strategies, emphasizing that active engagement on social media platforms like LinkedIn can lead to lasting professional relationships.

Utilizing LinkedIn for Business Growth

The podcast dives deep into how LinkedIn has become a pivotal tool for building business relationships. Randy and Brian explore how the platform can effectively replace in-person networking events, saving time and resources. They offer practical tips for maximizing engagement, such as researching potential connections, optimizing one’s profile, and actively participating in relevant conversations.

Maximizing Engagement and Building Authority on LinkedIn

Consistency and routine are vital for a strong LinkedIn presence. Tagging, hashtagging, and posting quality content can skyrocket visibility. Firms should aim to provide value rather than overtly sell their services, thereby attracting business organically. Journaling is also recommended for reinforcing goals and sharing meaningful insights.


Randy Wilburn’s Encourage Build Grow podcast is evolving, mirroring the collective introspection induced by the pandemic. The latest episode with Brian McCartney offers actionable insights into personal branding, relationship building, and effective communication in today’s digital age. Randy hints at more exciting episodes in the pipeline as the podcast refocuses on areas that truly matter.

To catch the latest updates and episodes, be sure to check out the Encourage Build Grow Facebook page and follow Randy Wilburn on Twitter and Instagram. In a world perpetually in flux, one piece of advice remains timeless: strive to get 1% better every day.

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